Thursday, March 6, 2008

"It's silly season."

Over the past several weeks, Hillary Clinton has repeatedly commented on the media's unfair coverage of her. During the Democratic debate in Cleveland, Ohio, Clinton digressed from the topic at hand to state the following:

"Well, can I just point out that in the last several debates, I seem to get the first question all the time. And I don't mind. I--you know, I'll be happy to field them, but I do find it curious, and if anybody saw 'Saturday Night Live' [see video below], you know, maybe we should ask Barack if he's comfortable and needs another pillow. I just find it kind of curious that I keep getting the first question on all of these issues. But I'm happy to answer it."

A second "Saturday Night Live" skit by Tina Fey portrayed Clinton in a positive light, marginalizing arguments about Clinton's gender and personality by stating that "bitch is the new black."

However, rather than perceive these skits as positive coverage, Clinton uses them as "proof" (since "Saturday Night Live" is a legitimate source) that there is bias in the media's portrayal of her.

Is there truth in her claim? The anwer from this blogger (who finds her complaints against answering the first question curious since she says she's so happy to do so) is no. Her entire platform is built on experience, the ability to better withstand Republican attacks (though she can barely withstand those from a "biased media"), and being more tested than Barack Obama. The media has thus adjusted its questions and coverage accordingly. Her top advisors were recently asked, "What foreign policy moment would you point us to in Hillary's career where she's been tested by a crisis?" Their response:

Is that media bias? An unjustifiably tough question? And what about the media's oversight in demanding Clinton to release her tax returns? Is the media being overly tough in allowing her to wait until she clinches the nomination to become transparent in her financial dealings? If anything, she's been given an easy pass on an important issue. In the meantime, Obama is currently under fire for his connections with supporter and indicted fundraiser Tony Rezko as well as his communications with Canadian Prime Minster Stephen Harper regarding his recent crticisms of NAFTA (that are claimed to be only political doublespeak), a situation that many have claimed hurt his primary and caucus runs in Ohio and Texas last night.

It will be interesting to follow the Clinton campaign in the next several weeks now that many in the media have stated that last night transformed her underdog status into one of born again contender. Will she still claim media bias? Or is this simply her last resort tactic when delegate and poll numbers fail her?

[Posted by Jaclyn]